Our product catalog illustrates the most common choices, many of which are in stock and ready to ship. You will find available options on each product page. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, please contact us and we will work with you to fulfill those needs.
Recommended for non-corrosive applications, i.e. hydraulic, pneumatic, etc.
Recommended for mildly corrosive environments, i.e. water, mild chemicals, solvents, etc.
Recommended for low-pressure corrosive environments (in Pipe Thread Only).
A martensitic, high carbon, magnetic stainless steel, heat-treated to maintain a high-pressure rating (in Pipe Thread Only). Not as corrosion resistant as 300 Series Stainless Steel.
Best for most petroleum-based applications (-15ºF to 250ºF).
Offers better resistance to many individual chemicals. For service in high-temperature environments. (Low-temperature limitations, +32ºF to 400ºF)
Offers high resistance to many individual chemicals (-6ºF to 437ºF).
Buna, EPR, Neoprene and Markez®.
This chart is only a guide. Several factors should be considered when selecting a sealing compound. For further information contact us. Please specify oxygen use when ordering. Super Swivels® are not recommended for and should not be used for breathing air/oxygen. And they are not recommended for steam.
Viton® and Viton® Extreme are registered trademarks of DuPont Dow®; Elastomers.
Freon and Hytrel are registered trademarks of the DuPont®; Company.
Aflas® is a registered trademark of Asahi®; Glass Co LTD.
Markez® is a registered trademark of Marco Rubber & Plastics Products, Inc.
Skydrol and Pydraul are registered trademarks of Monsanto® Chemical Co.
All other ® and ™s are the property of their respective owners.